From the beginning to the end of the sacred Scriptures, there is a real empire of darkness that fights against God and those who fear him. It is also observed in the biblical plot that man is plunged into deep suffering, for "the whole world is under the control of the Evil One" (1 John 5:19). How can this be? How does God allow this? According to biblical narrative, mankind was subject to the influence of Satan when it chose not to follow the divine guidance, but the word of the "ancient serpent" as to whether or not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Genesis 3; 9).

This complex theme has already been discussed here in the blog under the title "Why there is evil?". I invite you to read. But who is Satan? What is his origin? How did he and his demons come about? The prophets Isaiah and Ezekiel spoke of a "cherubim" who in his heart desired the position of God, but the Lord expelled him from his Kingdom (Is14.12-14, Ez28.12-15). Origen (c.185-253d.C.), The Egyptian theologian of Alexandria, was the first to develop this concept of a "pre-cosmic rebellion" of an angel, which later became the dominant Christian view adopted, by St. Augustine.

Part of theologians refuses to apply the prophecies of Isaiah and Ezekiel to Satan because they understand that they are addressed respectively to the king of Babylon and to the king of Tire. Other scholars, however, understand that the description of kings, made by the prophets, does not correspond to an earthly king. In fact, there was never a human king who was a "model of perfection" and who lived "in Eden, in the garden of God" (Ez28.12,13). However, it should be noted that, according to these two prophets, an angel of high standing in the spiritual realm rebelled against God and was cast to the earth.

Note that not only a "guardian cherub" was cast out, but many other angels, according to Matthew 25.41, 2 Peter 2.4 and Revelation 12.7-9. These fallen angels fall into two classes: those who are free in the service of Satan and those in eternal prisons, awaiting the final judgment (2 Peter 2: 4, Jude 6). But why does God allow demons to be free in the service of Satan to afflict and harm human beings? All this theme is very complex and only finds an answer in the mystery of Christ.

After the Fall, that is, after original sin, God did not leave man at the mercy of darkness. He went to Eden to seek man (Genesis 3,8,9). Then he revealed himself to Moses and the prophets by bringing his word and this, which is Christ (John. 1), entered into the fallen world that "is under the power of the wicked one". Just as man has decided to depart from God in Eden, he must now decide to return to God by receiving Christ into his life. When Jesus was being arrested, He said, "This is your hour when darkness reigns" (Luke 22:53). The forces of darkness thought that they were getting a great victory, but in fact it was their defeat, for on the third day Jesus would rise again. The Bible ends with Satan imprisoned eternally in a lake of fire (Rev. 20:10).

Antônio Maia – M.Div.



  1. This is a great deal of knowledge! Thank you Mr. Maia, for sharing the truth of God's Word with us! From: Nekoda Phillip.

  2. These are perilous times and the soldiers of Christ must continue to fight against the evil that tries to impose on this society. Praying and fasting is so important in the Last days before Christ comes for his children.. It is God's will, always.


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